We are committed to providing the highest level of service and compliance for our clients. Our primary focus is safety, and our compliance records reflect that commitment. NSSI has been providing Radioactive Material services to our customers for over 50 years. Our fully trained radiation technician staff can perform radiation surveys, provide leak test services, assist with radioactive material transportation, calibrate survey meters, handle sealed sources, and many more services. NSSI also provides storage services, Type A Container rental, shielding rental, and disposal services. We can also provide consulting services for license applications, Sealed Source Device Registries, and any other regulatory communications.
In addition to radioactive material services, NSSI is a fully permitted RCRA Part B hazardous waste TSDF and one of only three facilities in the United States providing storage and treatment of mixed hazardous/radioactive wastes.

Over 50 Years of Excellence in Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Management
NSSI operates a waste treatment, storage and disposal facility on approximately 5 acres in a light industrial area of Southeast Houston. The company receives wastes from a variety of offsite generators, treats the waste, and ships the residues to permitted offsite facilities for final disposition. The state of the art facilities are designed specifically for waste storage and treatment and include over 40,000 square feet of covered, high integrity epoxy coated concrete berm areas with an approved storage capacity of up to 4,000 drums. NSSI’s covered bulk stainless steel storage tanks allow storage and treatment in excess of 55,000 gallons of waste liquids. Treatment facilities include an acid/base neutralization tank, slow speed mechanical shear shredder, glass-lined Pfaulder reactors for oxidation/reduction reactions, a vacuum distillation unit, a dry waste compactor and a stabilization system. NSSI disposes of all solid and liquid effluents from the facility, with the exception of sanitary sewer wastes, as manifested wastes, to offsite permitted hazardous and non-hazardous, incineration and land disposal facilities.

NSSI is a fully permitted RCRA Part B hazardous waste TSDF and one of only three facilities in the United States providing storage and treatment of mixed hazardous/radioactive wastes. The facility receives waste from generators in all states and from foreign sources and is permitted to accept all radionuclide including special nuclear material and a full spectrum of EPA waste codes. NSSI has been licensed to possess and use radioactive materials and process radioactive waste since 1971 and obtained its final part B permit for hazardous, non-hazardous, and mixed wastes on October 4, 1990. NSSI is permitted to receive and manage hazardous waste, non-hazardous wastes, radioactive wastes, and mixed wastes under the regulatory authority of the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ).